Sunday, August 06, 2006

Seafair and Thunderboats and The Blue Angels

This year I just don't care about it. Please let me know me when it's over so I can go home. I laying low at Starbuck's, It could be worse. Just keep those coffees coming. It's only 80 degrees out there, but temperature in here is fine and getting finer.

As much as I love airplanes, as much as I love jet planes those 6 F-18s are too much for me this year. I join my dog this year and go into full avoidance mode. The low roof top swoop by my house is less gut thrill and more distracto. And if the Friday and Saturday practice and Sunday main event weren't enough, the organizers this year added a rock concert and fireworks show below my window last night. Great, no "dog run free time" and no peace time before I go to sleep. It was al a great example of overkill. "Let's see 20 minutes of explosions leave them asking for more, why don't we do 50 minutes?" Since my house was a mere three blocks from the launching pad, the booms were loud enough to shake the glass in the windows.

So here's the scenerio; Six navy jets at 2pm and then extended explosions at 9pm. "Good morning Beruit". Let's not mention the late afternoon grass fire below the house, set off by some moron with bottle rockets. The evenings pyrotechnics were a bad accompanyment for my netflix unseen classic - "Amadaeus". I was already growing weary at Milos Foreman's insistance of vision. All artists are odd and special, didn't I know. It seemed that every trope about artists from the sixties had been dragged out and used in this movie. And then the sky bombs started.

I wanted to be asleep by 10pm so I could continue my job preparation. No such luck. I did get up at 7 and took the freeway 40 miles to chez Karl. Sadly I only fixed one of his receptacles and was stumped by the other. God I hate that. I'm good a that electrician stuff and can't remember ever being unable to rewire something. Fortunately Karl is going to a picnic with the guy who did the original wiring 20 years ago. If the guy can remember the circuits he installed they should be able to sleuth it out.

Well two hours more and SeaFair will be winding down and I can sneak back home and complete todays project - cat door. I've reframed the basement wall and installed a new door. All I have to do is cut up the new door for the cat. Since I'm taking the cat with me to Gresham, I hope the renters appreciate the gesture. Then again, who really wants cat owning renters?


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